re: latest word on a follies film?
Posted by: Chazwaza 08:59 pm EST 11/08/24
In reply to: re: latest word on a follies film? - AlanScott 09:16 pm EST 11/07/24

I'm definitely going to agree with you. The point is to understand that he can't remember the order of the 3 things that keep changing around, because it's a show he's putting on and not his actual motto. If he says 2 of the 3, then of course there's only 1 left... if anyone were to be following, that's already in the way of understanding he's tripping up, but also it could easily be confused for just the way the song is written to not finish the phrase that time.

There's a LOT about what worked and was set and was genius in the original script/lyric and direction of Follies that Sondhiem has inexplicably not seemed to advise or certainly not insist on for future productions as intrinsic to the writing. I'm not sure there's any show he's written wherein the direction/staging/design is more part of the writing than with Follies. But not only did he only the book to pointlessly be tweaked and messed with for no benefit, but he's never insisted on any of the original staging, even things that seem inherent to the scene as written to play as intended. And yet, he is SO aware of direction and choreography in some cases being made legally part of the writing of the show, but never for his show that depend on it. The other one that rivals it, for me, is Pacific Overtures... which, even when a production is amazing, the show suffers every time I see it done NOT in Kabuki style. That's not to say it could never work outside of it, but it is very much written FOR IT, IN IT, WITH IT, and when directors just strip that away, it leaves a very cold awkward show that a those audiences can't take in or experience as intended.

Previous: re: latest word on a follies film? - AlanScott 09:16 pm EST 11/07/24
Next: re: latest word on a follies film? - AlanScott 10:22 pm EST 11/09/24

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